CBA Membership Information

What do I get with my membership?


Membership in the Charlotte Chapter of the Concerned Bikers Association provides you with several benefits. Most notably, all members receive a free $3,500.00 Death & Dismemberment policy.

You will also have access to our group and be a part of changing the legislation surrounding motorcycle laws in North Carolina.


FREE $3,500.00 Death & Dismemberment policy


Safety Program Presentations


Product Availability on Charlotte CBA Merchandise


Newsletter Forum Expressing your opinions on motorcycle issues


Updates on current legislative information


Discounts at many shops and events


Legal Aid Information when needed


Fun Events throughout the state


Upcoming Event Information


A voice in the legislative process


Brotherhood with persons with similar interests

Motorcycle Riders Foundation

The CBA encourages all members to also join the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. The MRF also provides excellent benefits. More information can be found here.

Meeting Minutes

How Does The CBA Spend The Money To Help ME?

The CBA’s main focus has always been to Fight for Fair Legislation – so that’s exactly what we do! Through events like Motorcycle Lobby Day, we tell our Legislators exactly what is Vital to Motorcyclists.

For example:

The Number One type of vehicle killed by distracted driving? Motorcycles. The CBA was at the Press Conference on 2/27/19 with Representatives Torbett and Corbin to announce House bill 144, known as the Hands Free Bill. This bill follows Georgia’s Hand’s Free bill, after which they saw a drop in insurance premiums and a 15% drop in fatalities !

In 2011 the CBA helped to enact House Bill 200 – a LAW, which states that every student taking High School Drivers Education must receive ONE HOUR of “Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Training (MSAP)”

Every dollar really does go to Fighting for Your Rights and Safety!